Treatment of Acute and Chronic Bronchitis.

on Monday, January 27, 2014
General description of the problem

Chronic bronchitis , bronchitis, smoker , recurrent bronchitis - all varieties of the same problem. It consists in an inflammation of the bronchial mucosa and bronchial walls.

Typically, acute bronchitis begins with inflammation, for example, during a viral infection. Shell bronchi swells, then a large amount of mucus. As a result of bronchial lumen narrowing worsens lung ventilation relevant department . Because of this, there may be stagnation . Deteriorating circulation in the affected bronchi , and as a consequence , joins a chronic infection that can exist there for a very long time.

It often happens that after the flu or any other viral infection cough still present in the form of residual effects , and can last for months or even years . Chronic bronchitis is a predisposing factor for graphical to the development of asthma and even pneumonia. So to cure chronic bronchitis is extremely important .

The main symptoms of chronic bronchitis :

1. Cough can be dry or wet. Often in the morning , with or without expectoration .

2 . Periodic fevers . Usually low , to 37.5 . But , if in case of a weakened organism , sometimes vice versa - the body temperature lowered .

3 . Discomfort in the chest and back between the shoulder blades (as if scratched inside). Usually characterized during exacerbations .

4 . Cough with copious phlegm after eating.

5 . If you put your palms on the chest so that the thumbs are facing up to , and take a deep breath , you can feel the vibration of the hands, " as if the air with the force of a viscous fluid passes chest ". Rales in the lungs, often heard even without stethoscope .

Of course, when the cough disturbs a long period , while the overall condition leaves much to be desired , it is important to visit a doctor and undergo additional testing . Many dangerous diseases occurs under the guise of chronic bronchitis (tuberculosis, pneumonia beginning , cancer )

Passage survey annually - is not a whim of doctors since the Soviet Union as an effective measure of prevention and prevention of diseases of the lungs, which can not be neglected .

Treatment bronihita .

If after the surveys banal presence of chronic bronchitis is beyond doubt , you should probably Activities treatment of this unpleasant disease. Treatment with antibiotics and drugs can help during the acute phase of the disease . But completely cure bronchitis is not always possible . Frequent relapses and constant presence of constant wheezing is an alarming sign , may be a harbinger of asthmatic disease and requires immediate comprehensive treatment.

What is it treated?

1. Drugs ( ACC , bronholitin , mukaltin etc.) well help to cope with the acute phase of the disease. There are also numerous in the sale of cough pills containing codeine ( Terpincod , Codelac ) . I would not advise them to get involved , because the abuse of these drugs ( which somehow sold without a prescription ) can develop a real addiction , from which it is very difficult to get rid of. In my experience, there were a few patients who had to go through a real \ " breaking \" after they refused admission Terpincod .

2 . If there are signs of bacterial infection ( leukocytosis high blood analysis , green phlegm ), the antibiotics do not be difficult . Consult with your doctor which antibiotic and what course to take .

3 . Maintain and restore drugs .

Without vitamins with bronchitis deal harder than with vitamins . First of all , as the lung tissue and the tissue lining the bronchi , contains many lipids ( special fat components ), you must take extra fat-soluble vitamins - vitamin E and E, lecithin, Vit. A dose of 10 to 000 IU , vitamin E at a dose - 400 IU . Of the water soluble vitamins - vit.S - 500 mg per day minimum ( anti-inflammatory action as well as increases the level of immunity ) and vit. In the group - preferably a complex in a dose of 50 mg per day. All vitamins are taken after meals , and course of treatment should be on average about 20 days .

Icelandic moss syrup . Taken according to the instructions as immune stimulant and anti-inflammatory factor. Sold in pharmacies .

Thoracic collection . According to the instructions .

4 . The nature of power .

Recommended once a week oily saltwater fish in any form ( mackerel, trout , salmon ) , as well as daily fresh vegetable salads with raw carrots instead of topping. Salads desirable to fill two tablespoons walnut (better cedar ) oil in combination with one spoon of granulated lecithin.

The food should be rich in calories , the presence in the diet of fatty pork in the form of salted bacon welcome ( about cholesterol until you think ) .

5 . Physiotherapy .

First of all - hlorofilipptom inhalation , or tincture Rotokanom Karmolis better nebulizer machine . Desirable to do in the appropriate inhalation medical facilities . Resolution stage , when the complaints is only prolonged cough , well helps power shower on the chest area and glenohumeral region . Often enough the two procedures that have prolonged cough is history . Dry heat sauna with essential oils of eucalyptus, juniper and mint work wonders .

6. Breathing exercises .

Need for improved ventilation and all hotel easily and the bronchial tree .

The above components of treatment for a long time isplzuet in my medical practice and , as a rule, quickly bring the desired result. However, symptoms such as prolonged cough , weakness , sweating, shortness of breath and other manifestations of bronchitis, may be signs of serious illness requiring special treatment and diagnosis.

Therefore, if for a long time you suffer simtomy above , or at least some of them , it is strongly recommended to consult the doctor conform . If you do not have time to go to clinics , can get detailed advice from our specialist physician.

In a burst of enthusiasm self still not forget about the good old traditional methods of diagnosis and doctors who are at the right moment can quickly determine the cause of the disease and prescribed treatment to improve the patient's condition .


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